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InfoPuls - Modern Software Apps

Cloud Management

  • InfoPuls - Modern Software Apps
  • Cloud START

  • Cloud MEDIUM

  • Cloud ADVANCED

  • Cloud INSIDE

  • Cloud Management

InfoPuls team is more than ready to deliver managed services to the companies that plan to transfer their business to the Cloud in case they don't already use those services. We can call this type of Cloud a "virtual IT environment" for which we offer a high level of maintenance services through consulting services, preparation and specification of a technical solution that allow you to use your resources the most optimal way possible. The systems we are familiar with are Amazon AWS, Azure, OpenTelekomCloud, Hätzner and many local telecommunication operators.

InfoPuls supports the advanced business model where an organization should just focus on key processes and deal with the basics of their business, letting our experts manage Cloud environment and lead to high-quality service and reduction of operating costs.
  • Cloud START

Includes maintenance of MS Office365 solutions, e-mail servers, account creation, domain and SharePoint administration etc. Simple solutions for data backup, simple hosting, and cloud security services (antivirus, secure DNS etc).
  • Cloud MEDIUM

Includes the maintenance of virtual infrastructure in AWS and Azure environments and saving suggestions in case companies develop software in AWS or Azure. We can lead the transfer from VM to container model (Heroku, Docker) and make the use of PaaS and SKL services, AVS lambda and object storage easier. It's also possible to analyze the exact needs of the company, propose and implement structured hybrid Cloud model. For example, integrating local development environment with AWS production.
  • Cloud ADVANCED

Implementation of DevOps principle in infrastructure management with the help of unity and python. For example, we could provide you with automatized VM/container application and to guarantee pre-installed packages with every environment. Automated operations like this are already offered in AWS and Azure with their APIs, but not many companies have the time or expertise to deliver high-quality scripts.
  • Cloud INSIDE

Besides the already mentioned Cloud services, we can offer server maintenance on the Cloud platform, like standard Linux and Windows operating systems for various purposes in the production environment. This service completes the package in which the end user is getting adequate and full service for his virtual IT environment.

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